Thursday, December 16, 2010

Conflicts Martial arts In Indonesia

dispute between the two universities silat in Indonesia is still audible,still about Identity Conflicts between SH Terate and SH Winongo that began with claims of truth about the holder firmly to the teachings of the current SH struggle broke out on the economic base as well as in the martial arts groups use it as an advocate for a particular political party. On the other hand, the society was to help preserve the existence of...
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

FOUNDER Terate Brotherhood Faithful Heart (PSHT)

KI Ageng suryodiwiryo djoyodiningrat is the founder of Terate Brotherhood Faithful Heart(PSHT), he died in Madiun and Madiun "pilang bangau" interred in the sacred month of east Java .every many pilgrims came to the tomb KI Ageng suryodiwiryo djoyodiningrat to sow one muhharam night Terate Brotherhood Faithful Heart members in east Java and the surrounding area went to the tomb of the founder PSHT is Ki Ageng suryodiwiryo...
Wednesday, December 8, 2010


ten martial arts universities members of IPSI are: Tread Holy KPS Nusantara, Kelatnas Shield Self, Phasadja Mataram Perpi Harimurti, White Shield, Son Betawi, Brotherhood Faithful Heart, Terate Brotherhood Faithful Heart (PSHT) and Association of All Indonesian Pencak (PPSI). At the time Mr leadership. H. Eddie M. Nalapraya name of the group 10 (ten) members of IPSI Silat Education Centre was transformed into...
Wednesday, December 8, 2010


emblyAfter the handover of sovereignty by the Netherlands to the Republic of Indonesia (RIS-old was named the Republic of Indonesia States) on 27 December 1949, the central Government of the Republic of Indonesia on the move back to Jakarta from Yogyakarta.Earlier, during four years of Yogyakarta was once the capital of the Republic of Indonesia, which is officially since January 4, 1946 to December 27, 1949. The move was followed...
Sunday, December 5, 2010

Psht aktivity at night muhharam or night suro

At night of muhharam(suro) member TERATE sh activities each year,activities that include among others wolking at night,evening muse etc.Sh terate studetn and their coahces enthusiastically participated in the first night of muhharam,activities take place in the afternoon until early morning day.Preparation that must be brought on sat followed this activity are:1.bring have dinner or foods2.bring brown sugar palm wather(aren)3.bring...
Saturday, December 4, 2010


Sh Terate because anyone can follow a general nature, while the SH for the nobles onlySH Terate gymnastics & tricks if there is no gymnastics SH directly to the momentSH Terate value of its preferred Brotherhood while there is no SHSH Terate have the organization while there is no SH5.SH Terate levels while there is no...
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