emblyAfter the handover of sovereignty by the Netherlands to the Republic of Indonesia (RIS-old was named the Republic of Indonesia States) on 27 December 1949, the central Government of the Republic of Indonesia on the move back to Jakarta from Yogyakarta.
Earlier, during four years of Yogyakarta was once the capital of the Republic of Indonesia, which is officially since January 4, 1946 to December 27, 1949. The move was followed by central government ministry offices displacement, and the offices or agencies of government. Also in 1950 Demikan Board of IPSI is a de facto also migrate from Yogyakarta to Jakarta, albeit not all board members, administrators Indonesian Pencak Silat Association to participate moved to Jakarta. At that time the new IPSI 2 years standing, which since its founding on May 18, 1948 in Surakarta, by the Preparatory Committee of Indonesian Pencak Silat Association, which sets Mr.Wongsonegoro as Chairman PB IPSI When standing, the Republic of Indonesia is in the struggle to defend the independence and strengthen the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia, which must be carried out through struggle both physically and diplomacy.
This situation also resulted in IPSI who are young should concentrate his devotion to the struggle for independence, so that managerial and operational conditions at the time IPSI inevitably experience shrinkage. On the other hand, the central government of Indonesia on his also is facing a rebellion Darul Islam and the Islamic Army of Indonesia (DI / TII) in several areas, including in Java and Lampung. To add strength to fight the DI / TII, the Commander of the Territory III at that time, Colonel (last Lieutenant-General) RA Kosasih, assisted by Colonel Hidayat and Colonel Aaron forming PPSI (Indonesian Pencak Silat Association), which was then established to mobilize the power of the ranks of Pencak Silat in the face of DI / TII that developed in the area of Lampung, West Java (including Jakarta), West-Central Java, including Yogyakarta. At least in these conditions timbulah dualism in the guidance and control of Pencak Silat in Indonesia, the Indonesian Pencak Silat Association (IPSI) with more concentration in terms of guidance on aspects of Sport, while the Indonesian Pencak Silat Association (PPSI) fostering more on aspects of the performing arts (Ibing Pencak Silat) and Pencak Silat martial arts to fight the DI / TII. In addition to the two organizations, IPSI and PPSI this, there are also several other organizations such as Bapensi, each trying to win influence as a master of martial arts training in Indonesia. Meanwhile IPSI have to fight hard for martial arts as an event to enter the match at the National Sports Week. The same is done by PPSI that every leading PON is also trying to incorporate martial silatnya for PON can join. But the Government, who in 1948 founded the IPSI also come into play, just know IPSI as the parent organization of martial arts in Indonesia. At that time the parent organization of existing sports was KOI (Indonesian Olympic Committee) chaired by Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX, and pore (Association of Sports of the Republic of Indonesia) with Head Widodo Sosrodiningrat.Di 1951, pore melt into the KOI. In 1961 the Government established the Sports Movement (KOGOR) to prepare the establishment of the Indonesian national team facing fourth Asian Games in Jakarta. Then in 1962 the Government for the first time to form the Ministry of Sports (Depora) and lift Maladi as sports minister. Subsequently in 1964 the government established the Council of Sports of the Republic of Indonesia (Dori), in which all organizations KOGOR, KOI, top sports organizations merged into Dori. On December 25, 1965, helped shape the Joint Secretariat IPSI-top Top Sports Organizations Branch, who then proposed to replace Dori became the Indonesian National Sports Committee (KONI), an independent and free from political influence, which then later on December 31, 1966 KONI formed by the Chairman General Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX. So at that time IPSI also plays an important role in the history of the formation so that later became the parent of KONI sports organization in Indonesia. Towards the Fourth Congress in 1973 IPSI Pencak Silat some leaders in Jakarta to help the CB of IPSI to find potential new chairman, because Mr. conditions.Wongsonegoro which at that time very old. One name that is successfully proposed is Brigjen TNI Tjokropranolo (last Lt. Gen.), which at the time was serving as Governor of DKI Jakarta. Even if the later then the Fourth Congress, he was elected as Chairman of the CB of IPSI, but the way for Brigjen TNI.Tjokropranolo not as easy as imagined. There are many duties and responsibilities of the CB of IPSI that would be dealt with seriously. Besides, the CB of IPSI also need to formulate their identity in a more active, in addition to formulating how to sustain the existence and historical step IPSI in national development. Since then Brigjen TNI Tjokropranolo assisted by several universities namely Pencak Silat:
Earlier, during four years of Yogyakarta was once the capital of the Republic of Indonesia, which is officially since January 4, 1946 to December 27, 1949. The move was followed by central government ministry offices displacement, and the offices or agencies of government. Also in 1950 Demikan Board of IPSI is a de facto also migrate from Yogyakarta to Jakarta, albeit not all board members, administrators Indonesian Pencak Silat Association to participate moved to Jakarta. At that time the new IPSI 2 years standing, which since its founding on May 18, 1948 in Surakarta, by the Preparatory Committee of Indonesian Pencak Silat Association, which sets Mr.Wongsonegoro as Chairman PB IPSI When standing, the Republic of Indonesia is in the struggle to defend the independence and strengthen the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia, which must be carried out through struggle both physically and diplomacy.
This situation also resulted in IPSI who are young should concentrate his devotion to the struggle for independence, so that managerial and operational conditions at the time IPSI inevitably experience shrinkage. On the other hand, the central government of Indonesia on his also is facing a rebellion Darul Islam and the Islamic Army of Indonesia (DI / TII) in several areas, including in Java and Lampung. To add strength to fight the DI / TII, the Commander of the Territory III at that time, Colonel (last Lieutenant-General) RA Kosasih, assisted by Colonel Hidayat and Colonel Aaron forming PPSI (Indonesian Pencak Silat Association), which was then established to mobilize the power of the ranks of Pencak Silat in the face of DI / TII that developed in the area of Lampung, West Java (including Jakarta), West-Central Java, including Yogyakarta. At least in these conditions timbulah dualism in the guidance and control of Pencak Silat in Indonesia, the Indonesian Pencak Silat Association (IPSI) with more concentration in terms of guidance on aspects of Sport, while the Indonesian Pencak Silat Association (PPSI) fostering more on aspects of the performing arts (Ibing Pencak Silat) and Pencak Silat martial arts to fight the DI / TII. In addition to the two organizations, IPSI and PPSI this, there are also several other organizations such as Bapensi, each trying to win influence as a master of martial arts training in Indonesia. Meanwhile IPSI have to fight hard for martial arts as an event to enter the match at the National Sports Week. The same is done by PPSI that every leading PON is also trying to incorporate martial silatnya for PON can join. But the Government, who in 1948 founded the IPSI also come into play, just know IPSI as the parent organization of martial arts in Indonesia. At that time the parent organization of existing sports was KOI (Indonesian Olympic Committee) chaired by Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX, and pore (Association of Sports of the Republic of Indonesia) with Head Widodo Sosrodiningrat.Di 1951, pore melt into the KOI. In 1961 the Government established the Sports Movement (KOGOR) to prepare the establishment of the Indonesian national team facing fourth Asian Games in Jakarta. Then in 1962 the Government for the first time to form the Ministry of Sports (Depora) and lift Maladi as sports minister. Subsequently in 1964 the government established the Council of Sports of the Republic of Indonesia (Dori), in which all organizations KOGOR, KOI, top sports organizations merged into Dori. On December 25, 1965, helped shape the Joint Secretariat IPSI-top Top Sports Organizations Branch, who then proposed to replace Dori became the Indonesian National Sports Committee (KONI), an independent and free from political influence, which then later on December 31, 1966 KONI formed by the Chairman General Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX. So at that time IPSI also plays an important role in the history of the formation so that later became the parent of KONI sports organization in Indonesia. Towards the Fourth Congress in 1973 IPSI Pencak Silat some leaders in Jakarta to help the CB of IPSI to find potential new chairman, because Mr. conditions.Wongsonegoro which at that time very old. One name that is successfully proposed is Brigjen TNI Tjokropranolo (last Lt. Gen.), which at the time was serving as Governor of DKI Jakarta. Even if the later then the Fourth Congress, he was elected as Chairman of the CB of IPSI, but the way for Brigjen TNI.Tjokropranolo not as easy as imagined. There are many duties and responsibilities of the CB of IPSI that would be dealt with seriously. Besides, the CB of IPSI also need to formulate their identity in a more active, in addition to formulating how to sustain the existence and historical step IPSI in national development. Since then Brigjen TNI Tjokropranolo assisted by several universities namely Pencak Silat:
- Of the Holy Footprint Mr Haryadi Mawardi, assisted Mr. Tanamas;
- Of KPS Nusantara Bp. Moch Hadimulyo assisted Bp. Sumarnohadi, Dr.Rachmadi, Dr. Djoko Waspodo;
- Shield Yourself from Kelatnas Bp. Adji Arnowo HK;
- From Mataram Phasadja Bp. KRT Sutardjonegoro;
- From Perpi Harimurti Bp. Sukowinadi;
- Of the White Shield Bp.Maramis, Bp. Runtu, Bp. Sutedjo and Bp. Himantoro;
- Son of Betawi Bp.H. Saali;
- Of the Brotherhood of Loyal Heart Bp. Mariyun Sudirohadiprodjo, Bp. Mashadi, Bp. Harsoyo and Bp.HM Zain;
- Of the Brotherhood of Loyal Heart Terate Bp. Januarno, Bp. Imam Suyitno and Bp. Laksma Pamudji.
One of the significant challenges when it is not yet berintegrasinya PPSI into the IPSI. Then on the merit of Mr. Tjokropranolo successfully organized approach to 3 (three) PPSI leaders who happened to one corps of the Military Police Corps. Since then PPSI agree integrate with IPSI, then the Secretariat of the CB of IPSI in the Main Stadium PPSI used also as the Secretariat. At the Fourth Congress that will later IPSI, H. Suhari Sapari, Chief Executive of the PPSI come to Congress and the states that joined IPSI PPSI. IV IPSI Congress in 1973 set Bp. Tjokropranolo as Chairman of the New Testament. IPSI replace Mr. Wongsonegoro. Mr. Wongsonegoro has been credited with delivering IPSI from the era of freedom struggle towards a new era, the era of the independence. When this is like IPSI stand back and concentrate more on devotion, after earlier through periods of war and diplomacy suffered physical entire Indonesian nation. Under the leadership of this Tjokropranolo IPSI more stable stand with the new challenges in accordance with the times. At the Fourth Congress of IPSI it was ten universities who become permanent establishment of uniting and supporting IPSI received directly as a member of the Centre, and then consolidate management, strengthening the CB of IPSI control range down to the regions, and the martial arts community unites in a single parent organization.
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