KI Ageng suryodiwiryo djoyodiningrat is the founder of Terate Brotherhood Faithful Heart(PSHT), he died in Madiun and Madiun "pilang bangau" interred in the sacred month of east Java .every many pilgrims came to the tomb KI Ageng suryodiwiryo djoyodiningrat to sow flowes.at one muhharam night Terate Brotherhood Faithful Heart members in east Java and the surrounding area went to the tomb of the founder PSHT is Ki Ageng suryodiwiryo misunderstanding or miscommunitation between sh Terate and sh Winongo endless duel.there are sometimes leads this group is often a fight to culminate death .But now both agree on peace, once these two groups is one college but the result of mistake or difference misunderstanding there are broke up .history of sh Winongo with sh Terate can be seen in the previous post about HISTORY OF SH TERATE AND SH WINONGO
Brotherhood Greeting...
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